25 Books for Gym Lovers

25 Books Gym Lovers
25 Books Gym Lovers

9 August 2022 | Administration

9 August 2022 | Administration

Do you still doubt the benefits that the gym can bring to your life?

Over time, we have shared with you various topics with you, from marketing best practices to tips on nutrition, business and even motivational quotes! If you have been following us in our articles, we are very grateful for that.

Today, instead of the usual, we won’t be sharing tips. We’re going to let the experts do the talking. And if, like us, you love the gym, you’ll enjoy knowing this list. We’ve compiled a list of books on diverse topics such as fitness, health, sports, motivation, focus and personal development.

So take our tip to catch up on your readings

1. Thinking, Fast and Slow – Daniel Kahnema

2. Focus – Daniel Goleman

3. Atomic Habits – James Clear

4. Extreme Ownership – Jocko Willink

5. Stumbling on Happiness – Dan Gilbert

6. Blink – Malcolm Gladwell

7. Pratical Programming for Strength Training – Mark Rippetoe

8. Bigger Leaner Stronger – Michael Matthews

9. Aqui e Agora – Vasco Gaspar (in Portuguese)

10. Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art – James Nestor

11. Faz um Restart à Tua Vida – Jorge Coutinho (in Portuguese)

12. How Not to Die – Michael Greger

13. The Wim Hof Method – Wim Hof

14. Start with Why – Simon Sinek

15. Seja um Super-Humano – Manuel Pinto Coelho (in Portuguese)

16. O Poder do Jejum Intermitente – Alexandra Vasconcelos (in Portuguese)

17. The Longevity Diet – Valter Longo

18. The Way of the Superior Man – David Deida

19. El agua de mar – Maria Teresa Ilari, Mariano Arnal, Maria Zía (in Spanish)

20. Fiber Fueled – Dr. Will Bulsiewicz

21. O Milagre da Excelência – Susana Torres (in Portuguese)

22. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind – T. Harv Eker

23. Can’t Hurt Me – David Goggins

24. Corpo de Capa – Pedro Medeiros (in Portuguese)

25. The World’s Fittest Book – Ross Edgley


What book would you had to this list?


Share your suggestion with us.

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