Online Reservations at the Gym

Online Reservations

Complete Reservations Management of your Gym’s Services

Classes Schedule at the Gym

Classes Schedule

Record all the group activities available at your gym on an easy-to-manage, visual classes schedule.

Online Reservations at the Gym

Online Reservations

Enable your members, anywhere, to reserve their favourite classes through your App.

Gestão das Sessões dos Personal Trainers

PT Sessions Management

Manage everything about the personalised training sessions that are held in your gym.

Analysis of Online Reservations Dashboards


Don’t waste time on assumptions! Analyse everything about your group classes with our powerful dashboards.

Online Reservation Management of Group Classes

Reservations Management

Don’t worry about the time and space limitations of your gym anymore, each group class has its own settings.

Group Classes Occupancy Rates

Occupancy Rates

Stay on top of your metrics with our occupancy rate analysis tool.

Form Check OnVirtualGym Stop using paper in your Gym!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Innovate your Reservations method!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Optimise your Team's productivity!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Simplify Nutrition Monitoring!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Increase Retention Rate!

ver demonstração app OnVirtualGym
ver demonstração app OnVirtualGym

Form Check OnVirtualGym Stop using paper in your Gym!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Innovate your Reservations method!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Optimise your Team's productivity!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Simplify Nutrition Monitoring!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Increase Retention Rate!

ver demonstração app OnVirtualGym

Form Check OnVirtualGym Stop using paper in your Gym!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Innovate your Reservations method!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Optimise your Team's productivity!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Simplify Nutrition Monitoring!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Increase Retention Rate!

Group Class Reservations

Reserve your classes anywhere!

Enable your members to pre-reserve group classes from your App. Our software offers a convenient way to reserve your classes across different access points and platforms.

Reservas das Aulas de Grupo através da App

Personalised Training

Managing PT Sessions doesn’t have to be complicated!

We have improved personalised training monitoring, take full control of your PT Service, with all the tools you need to grow your service.

Gestão das Sessões PT e Planos de Treino
Gestão das Sessões PT e Planos de Treino

Personalised Training

Managing PT Sessions doesn’t have to be complicated!

We have improved personalised training monitoring, take full control of your PT Service, with all the tools you need to grow your service.