Serviço de Acompanhamento do Cliente no Ginásio

Member Monitoring

The Best Member Monitoring at your Gym

Prescrição de Treino para Acompanhamento do Cliente

Training Prescription

Easily create personalised training plans and recommend the best group classes according to the member’s goals.

Physical Evaluation at Member Monitoring

Physical Evaluation

Track your members evolution in different parameters of the Pshysical Evaluation, with our intuitive graphics.

Anamnesis Form at Member Monitoring

Anamnesis Form

We want the maximun effort with the greatest care. So be aware of your members risk factors and physical condition.

Notification System at Member Monitoring

Notification System

Reduce the distance between your professionals and your clients by communicating on different platforms, anytime, anywhere.

Questionário de Satisfação para Acompanhamento do Cliente

Satisfaction Survey

To learn where you can improve your services and for member monitoring, we offer you the option of creating your own satisfaction surveys.

Goal Management for Member Monitoring

Goal Management

Challenge each of your members to achieve one or more goals and be amazed at all they can achieve when challenged by you.

Form Check OnVirtualGym Stop using paper in your Gym!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Innovate your Reservations method!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Optimise your Team's productivity!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Simplify Nutrition Monitoring!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Increase Retention Rate!

ver demonstração da app OnVirtualGym
ver demonstração da app OnVirtualGym

Form Check OnVirtualGym Stop using paper in your Gym!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Innovate your Reservations method!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Optimise your Team's productivity!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Simplify Nutrition Monitoring!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Increase Retention Rate!

ver demonstração da app OnVirtualGym

Form Check OnVirtualGym Stop using paper in your Gym!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Innovate your Reservations method!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Optimise your Team's productivity!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Simplify Nutrition Monitoring!

Form Check OnVirtualGym Increase Retention Rate!

Training Planning

Training Plans according to the needs of each person!

No more training plans on paper! Have all trainings in the palm of your hand to track and adjust the training plans according to each member’s goals and progress over time.

Training Planning at Member Monitoring

Physical Evaluation

Register the evolution in the different templates of Physical Evaluation!

We offer a simple and quick way to record the data from your physical evaluations. This way you can access all the evaluations and monitor your members’ progress through our graphics and performance indicators.

Gestão das Avaliações Físicas
Gestão das Avaliações Físicas

Physical Evaluation

Register the evolution in the different templates of Physical Evaluation!

We offer a simple and quick way to record the data from your physical evaluations. This way you can access all the evaluations and monitor your members’ progress through our graphics and performance indicators.