What you need to know about Gym Management Software

What is a Gym management software?
What is a Gym management software?

10 October 2023 | Administration

10 October 2023 | Administration

If you’re the CEO or Director of a fitness centre, you know how challenging it can be to run a business. There are so many tasks to manage, from the maintenance of equipment to the management of employees and the acquisition of new members. Fortunately, there are technological solutions that can make the management of your gym easier. In this article we’ll discuss the importance of a good gym management software, its benefits and some essential considerations you should take into account when selecting the ideal software for your gym.

What is a Gym Management Software?

A gym management software is a tool designed to simplify the day-to-day management of your business. It covers a range of functions, from membership and facilities management to class reservations and staff timetables. By adopting a gym management software, you can improve the efficiency of your gym, allowing you to concentrate on other tasks.

What are the benefits?

A gym management software brings a number of benefits to your gym. One of the main ones is the ability to automate daily tasks that normally take up a lot of time and effort. The functionalities of the OnVirtualGym app, the number one gym management software in Portugal, are as follows:


It makes it easier for your staff to record all the Physical Evaluations and Anamnesis Forms, allows you to quickly and easily prescribe Training Plans and manage the Objectives and Goals your members might have. In addition, it allows you to constantly monitor the progress of your members and bring them closer to your professionals through a Notification system for exchanging messages and clarifying doubts. It is also possible to monitor the quality with which your team is providing services in your gym through Satisfaction Surveys.

To ensure that the monitoring of your member is never forgotten, we have designed your gym’s Workflow so that personalised tasks are automatically assigned to the right professional according to your gym’s needs. In this module you also have access to a powerful ProfessionalsAgenda where you can organise and centralise all the appointments for your services to avoid conflicts and overlaps in your professionals’ agendas.


Complete management of your gym’s service reservations, such as PT sessions, group classes, nutrition consultations, etc. and access to powerful Dashboards and Occupancy Rate metrics. Provide your customers with a simple, fast and efficient reservation experience wherever they are.

Personalised and complete Nutritional Monitoring of your members through Food Habits Screening, prescription of Food Plans adapted to the needs of each member and the possibility of creating predefined Food Plans to increase the productivity of your team of nutritionists. This module also offers the possibility of Planning Recipes and recommending supplements on the member’s shopping list to complement the Food Plan prescription, as well as a Notification system that allows the member to clarify doubts and control their nutrition appointments quickly and conveniently.

With the Online Content module it is possible to schedule publications, segment your audience and allow your members to watch your Classes, Workouts, Healthy Tips and Recipes anywhere and anytime via the App.

What to consider when choosing a Gym Management Software?

With so many gym management softwares available on the market, it’s important to choose the one that meets your gym’s specific needs. Find out which features are essential for your gym and whether the software integrates with other tools you already use. And of course, you must take into account the cost, usability and availability of technical support.

Find out more about the gym management software by OnVirtualGym.


How to implement the software?

Implementing a software for gyms can be a challenging task, but with the right technical support, it becomes a smooth experience. It’s essential to involve your entire team in the implementation process, ensuring that everyone has been trained (at OnVirtualGym we offer training for your team) and is able to use the software and make the most of its features.


To summarise, a gym management software is a fundamental tool for improving your gym’s management and increasing its efficiency. By considering the benefits and important considerations when choosing a software, you’ll be able to select the one that best suits your gym’s specific needs. Remember to involve your entire team in the implementation process to get the best results. With advanced software, you can concentrate on growing your business instead of worrying about daily, routine management tasks.


Contact us and find out how our software can help your gym achieve its Goals.


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