The 45 Best Digital Marketing Tips to apply in the Gym
Digital Marketing to Increase Sales of your Gym
If you’re looking to grow the sales in your Gym through Digital Marketing, you’ve surely come across several topics that, in one way or another, are always present: keywords, content, email marketing, blog, social media, SEO and image just to name a few examples.
Digital Marketing actions must answer to a strategy and be established on a regular basis, with planning and decision-making. With so many options to choose from, the difficulty is really knowing where to start.
Today we have compiled the 45 best tips that we have shared in previous articles. In a quick, straightforward, and concise way, you can take the opportunity to review and broaden your marketeer knowledge. So take note!
1. Define the target audience and create a buyer persona
2. Create specific content for each channel
3. Use social media to promote your content
4. Invest in a qualified graphic designer
5. Write blog articles that answer your audience’s relevant questions
6. Send a newsletter with a certain frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, …)
7. Create YouTube videos and share relevant information in a visual way
8. Create a social media publishing calendar
9. Collaborate with influencers to increase visibility of your business
10. Analyse and select a specific set of keywords to use on the website, blog and publications
11. Identify the short, medium and long-term goals for your digital marketing strategy
12. Focus on your client’s main need
13. Keep a blog and update it frequently
14. Invest in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
15. Use infographics to share information in a visual way 16. Specialise in a specific topic within your business area and be recognised as an authority on that topic
17. Evaluate whether your website is user-friendly and easy to navigate
18. Invest in paid advertising on Facebook and Instagram
19. Create a unique value proposition
20. Recycle content and use it in other channels
21. Create a sales pitch for your service
22. Create a landing page to attract leads
23. Be consistent in your marketing actions
24. Choose the most important KPIs for your business
25. Don’t be afraid to take risks
26. Offer a product or service that no one else offers
27. Create a slogan
28. Create video testimonials and case studies and post them on your website
29. Invest in storytelling
30. Define the values, mission and vision of your business 31. Use the 80/20 principle in your strategic decisions
32. If something doesn’t work, stop doing it
33. Use a task and project manager like Trello or similar
34. Use SWOT analysis
35. Reply to messages on social media and other channels consistently and regularly
36. Use A/B testing in your email campaigns
37. Don’t be guided by improvisation but by results
38. Don’t create duplicate content
39. Identify your market niche
40. Don’t create an overly generalised message
41. Always learn from your mistakes
42. Always keep an eye on the competition
43. Avoid focusing exclusively on price, focus on the value you will deliver to the client
44. Use Google MyBusiness
45. Always deliver a little more than you promised
Stop using paper in your Gym!
Innovate your Reservations method!
Optimise your Team's productivity!
Simplify Nutrition Monitoring!
Increase Retention Rate!

Stop using paper in your Gym!
Innovate your Reservations method!
Optimise your Team's productivity!
Simplify Nutrition Monitoring!
Increase Retention Rate!

Stop using paper in your Gym!
Innovate your Reservations method!
Optimise your Team's productivity!
Simplify Nutrition Monitoring!
Increase Retention Rate!