Water, a neglected essential resource
All living beings need a set of factors favourable to their proper development and life. Water is one of the most essential resources for life.
Plants do not live without water, they may be adapted to survive in the most inhospitable environments, but they still need water. Animals also have their needs, which may vary between different species. Man is included in this group and therefore needs to ensure the best possible consumption of water.
The human body is made up mostly of water, its percentage being higher in babies and children, decreasing with age. Since it has such a strong presence with a great impact on the functioning of several body systems, this is one of the main reasons to pay maximum attention to daily hydration and avoid neglecting it.
Water has several body functions and the compromising of them can bring very negative consequences for the human organism, which can trigger an unfavourable clinical picture. The main functions are:
– Transportation of nutrients to the different body zones;
– Elimination of metabolic waste (resulting from metabolic processes) through urine;
– Decreases the risk of kidney stones and urinary infections;
– Contributes to the regulation of body temperature;
– Promotes good muscular function, associated with physical exercise, contributing to an improvement in performance;
– Lubricates and protects the health of the joints;
– Collaborates to good cognitive function and mood, maximising attention, concentration and memory capacity;
– Helps digestion and the functioning of intestinal transit, preventing constipation;
– Preserves the skin’s elasticity, the main physical barrier against infections.
Daily water needs may vary according to different personal factors (gender, age, nutritional composition, physical activity, pathologies and food consumption) and environmental factors (outside temperature and humidity levels).
Thirst is one of the main symptoms of dehydration. For this reason, it is important that the consumption of water throughout the day is not based solely on the sensation of thirst, as it may be underestimated and may prevent an adequate consumption of water, causing other harmful body effects, such as a lower urinary volume with a darker concentration and colour, dry mucous membranes and irritability with headaches and general tiredness.
Adequate consumption of water should be sufficient to ensure the body function, as mentioned, and also to suppress water losses due to other processes such as perspiration, respiration, intestinal transit and urinary losses.
While in adults the average hydration recommendation is around 2.0 L and 2.5 L for women and men, respectively, in the elderly this value should be increased, since they have a lower renal concentration capacity and insufficient perception of dehydration levels.
Although there is this recommendation, which aims to promote adequate levels of consumption of water, the recommended values may increase according to the following changes:
– Increased thirst;
– Urine with a more intense colour and smell;
– Headaches and decreased attention/concentration;
– Practice of physical activity;
– Increase in ambient temperature;
– Specific clinical pictures such as fever, diarrhoea or vomiting;
– In pregnancy or in women who are breastfeeding.
With cold weather, it is even more important to focus on and ensure the recommended water goal throughout the day, because the body needs to work optimally throughout the year, whether hot or cold. Including water in its simple form or through preparations rich in water such as fruits and vegetables allows you to achieve the adequate consumption. Nutritionist, Jacinta Mendes 3341N
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