I am Injured, now what?


22 February 2022 | Fitness

22 February 2022 | Fitness

Muscle Injuries

Everyone who practices regular physical exercise is susceptible to suffering muscular injuries caused by exercise. For this reason, some preventive care should be taken into consideration so that these injuries do not occur.
Although it is regular, there are several factors that can lead to the appearance of injuries, such as individual factors (gender, age, body composition, health condition, physical capacity) and extrinsic factors (sport modality, positioning and posture during exercise, organisation of training and competitions, weather conditions, nutrition and hydration, rest).
Even taking into account the several factors mentioned above, sometimes injuries happen and in that case, measures to contribute to a rapid recovery should be taken. The injury leads to a stop or reduction in the training rhythm and as such, there can be a loss in muscle mass, and to avoid this situation being aggravated, nutrition plays an important role.


During physical exercise, the production of Free Radicals and Reactive Oxygen Species (toxic compounds) increases. The muscle has anti-inflammatory processes that help eliminate these compounds. When the latter are in excess, they can cause oxidative stress in the cells, destruction of cell membranes and proteins, leading to a decrease of physical performance. Antioxidants intervene at this point to prevent the induction of muscle damage and other negative consequences for the athlete’s health.
However, when the athlete is in the post-injury recovery phase, too many antioxidants can cause inhibition of the removal of muscle tissue damaged by inflammation and delay regeneration and recovery.

Vitamin A

It benefits and helps in the initial phase of inflammation, increasing the volume of circulating monocytes and macrophages, prevents the agglomeration of pus in the infected region. Thus, it contributes to the elimination of dead cells and tissues, increasing the speed of healing and recovery.

Vitamin C

Its main function is to activate the production of collagen, contributing to tissue repair, with the production of connective tissue and cartilage. It also promotes a better absorption of Iron. In the injury phase, daily needs increase and Vitamin C losses are also increased, and when there is not enough intake, it can delay and harm the whole recovery process.

Vitamin E

Because it works as an antioxidant, it contributes to muscle recovery when it reaches the right levels. It increases the elasticity of the muscle fibre and prevents further muscle damage.


It is important to promote the recommended daily doses as it promotes cell growth, with the formation of collagen and new epithelial tissue, essential processes in the recovery from injury. When there is immobilisation (caused by the type of injury), there is also a decrease in bone density when the Zinc levels are not reached.


It is important to promote bone density. When intake values are low, the body reserves of this mineral are also reduced, impairing the bone resorption of Calcium. Decreased levels can cause bone fragility or osteoporosis and lead to injuries such as fractures.

Vitamin D

Associated with Calcium, it increases the absorption of calcium and therefore low values of this element increase the risk of bone injuries. Therefore, in addition to ensuring the adequate Calcium levels, it is important that the daily needs of Vitamin D are also met.
Besides this process, Vitamin D contributes to the control of inflammation resulting from the accumulation of fluid in the injured area.


Low levels of this mineral (especially in the female athletes), can lead to anaemia, impairing physical performance and training ability. Its main function is to transport oxygen to the muscles and other tissues. When it has deficient levels, it can cause the appearance of early fatigue, increasing the risk of injuries.
When talking about injuries, prevention is better than cure. However, when you are undergoing treatment, your diet will help you recover and resume training quickly and with best results.   Nutritionist, Jacinta Mendes 3341N

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