Marketing Ideas for Personal Trainers

Marketing Personal Trainers
Marketing Personal Trainers

23 August 2022 | Marketing

23 August 2022 | Marketing

You have finally launched your Personal Trainer business and you are looking for ways to get clients? The answer to your challenge may lie in Digital Marketing!

The differentiation and value proposition of your service needs to stand out in a highly competitive market. Working on your business Marketing is, therefore, crucial. If you want to generate more leads and turn those leads into loyal and fully satisfied clients, there is a sea of opportunities and ideas that you can and should take advantage of.

If you are looking for new ideas, then this article is made for you. We have prepared for you a set of suggestions that will help you promote your PT service, boost your visibility, and help you find future clients.

1. Develop a website

A website is one of the most important marketing tools for any business. It provides an opportunity to introduce yourself, your services and your brand in the best way possible. You can use your website to demonstrate your professional experience, skills, testimonials, and other relevant information.

2. Create a blog

A blog is another powerful tool to promote your online PT service. It is a good way to build trust and generate authority in the field. Write fitness articles that are informative and aligned with what people are looking for. In addition, you can use the website and blog’s content to communicate with people through other channels, such as social media and email campaigns.

3. Offer free training sessions

You can also consider other types of discounts or benefits. At an earlier stage, this can be a good way to make yourself known and grow your reputation very quickly. Still, keep in mind that you should provide value and deliver what you promise. Just don’t overdo it, after all, nobody works for free!

4. Research the market

Do in-depth market research by speaking with potential clients, current clients and other professionals in the field. Find out what the main factors are that make people choose (or leave) their Personal Trainers. Do they like in-person or at-home workouts? Do they prefer to have a routine or schedule flexibility? What kind of workouts are they looking for? What are the main doubts that make them postpone hiring a PT? These and other questions will provide great clarity on how to approach the market.

5. Define your ideal client

This is a rule that fits like a glove in the Personal Training service. After all, it is a very close relationship, a partnership that requires a great deal of mutual trust, communication and empathy. If you do not know the type of client that you are looking for, how will you find him? In our opinion, your ideal client is someone who wants exactly what you want – but does not yet know how to get there.

6. Create diversified content

Invest in diversified content to generate more interest and increase your online visibility. From training tips, curiosities about the fitness world, suggestions of gadgets or events, there is a grand variety of themes that you can and should explore. On the other hand, you should invest in the variety of the content and also on the way you present it. Make videos, write articles, send emails to your clients. Do a short live on Instagram or participate in podcasts. Invest in Facebook ads or on an e-book with relevant information. Read some of the articles that we’ve shared here on the OnVirtualGym’s blog. We’re sure you’ll find plenty of ideas to get you started!

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