Alergias VS Intolerâncias

Alergias VS Intolerâncias During an appointment, one of the first questions asked in the clinical evaluation survey is whether the client has food allergies or intolerances. And in this very topic, there are answers in which the client confuses allergies with...

Marketing Ideas for Personal Trainers

Marketing Ideas for Personal Trainers You have finally launched your Personal Trainer business and you are looking for ways to get clients? The answer to your challenge may lie in Digital Marketing! The differentiation and value proposition of your service needs to...

Is the food enough? Part II

Is the food enough? Part II The question raised earlier remains open: “Is the food enough to meet my needs for certain vitamins and minerals?” Earlier we discussed whether food is enough to get good levels of Vitamins and concluded that if our diet is rich in...

25 Books for Gym Lovers

25 Books for Gym Lovers Do you still doubt the benefits that the gym can bring to your life? Over time, we have shared with you various topics with you, from marketing best practices to tips on nutrition, business and even motivational quotes! If you have been...