Sense of Taste

Sense of Taste When we talk about eating behaviour, there are several parameters that influence it, such as individual issues (age, gender, personality, health status, level of knowledge and personal experience); environmental issues (extrinsic to the individual,...

Obesity, the 21st Century pandemic

Obesity, the 21st Century pandemic One of the main pandemics of the 21st Century, especially in developed countries, is Obesity and overweight, caused mostly by an unhealthy lifestyle. Associated with this health condition, other clinical alterations and abnormalities...

Caffeine and it’s Effect on Training

Caffeine and it’s Effect on Training The phrase “Let’s have coffee?” is the ideal motto for any break. It’s a typical Portuguese habit, and most people can’t do without their daily coffee. We find it at breakfast and lunch, in the middle of the morning or...

Omega-3, Benefits and Food Sources

Omega-3, Benefits and Food Sources Polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential nutrients that cannot be synthesized by the body and must therefore be supplied through food to ensure an adequate intake. In this group of fatty acids, Omega-3 and Omega-6 are included....

Water, a neglected essential resource

Water, a neglected essential resource Water All living beings need a set of factors favourable to their proper development and life. Water is one of the most essential resources for life.Plants do not live without water, they may be adapted to survive in the most...

Tips to make your Cooking Healthier

Tips to make your Cooking Healthier In Nutrition, the most important and sometimes the most difficult step is to put theory into practice. The main meals arise as a problem and dilemma, when thinking about healthy options. When we talk about healthy cooking, apart...