Nutrition during Sports Events

Nutrition during Sports Events Nutrition and Sports Practice When a person starts practising sports, there are many different sports available. Deciding which one goes through a complex process, given the variety presented. Starting with the selection between group or...

Gastrointestinal Health and Sports Practice

Gastrointestinal Health and Sports Practice Benefits of Physical Exercise Regular physical exercise brings numerous benefits to people’s health, such as: reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases; controlling blood glucose levels and protecting against the...

Nutritional Deficiencies in a Vegetarian

Nutritional Deficiencies in a Vegetarian In any diet, if it is not well planned and adjusted to individual needs, there is the risk of developing deficiencies and/or needs in certain nutritional parameters. A vegetarian diet is, like other examples, an eating pattern...

Alergias VS Intolerâncias

Alergias VS Intolerâncias During an appointment, one of the first questions asked in the clinical evaluation survey is whether the client has food allergies or intolerances. And in this very topic, there are answers in which the client confuses allergies with...

Is the food enough? Part II

Is the food enough? Part II The question raised earlier remains open: “Is the food enough to meet my needs for certain vitamins and minerals?” Earlier we discussed whether food is enough to get good levels of Vitamins and concluded that if our diet is rich in...